






It has been quite a while since my last sneak peek blog post. I must admit it has been a pretty crazy couple months and I am finally able to catch my breath a little bit. The next month has a ton of bookings and we are starting to book into July now, so I know my time to take a break is quickly escaping me. With that being said, I can’t wait to meet all these new families booking sessions. Some exciting things have happened in the last few months, such as the two awesome articles being written about the business, and some exciting things are coming up, too. I’ll have a booth at a baby expo in Shelby next month and I’ll be welcoming a niece or nephew in the end of March (Gracy will be a big sister!) and a nephew in May. Which means I’ll be taking another trip to San Diego this year! Know anyone from southern California having a baby in May?? Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone.

Anyway… welcome little Alyssa, 6 months old. Even cuter than when I saw her for her 3 month pictures (I didn’t think it was possible!). Enjoy!


First off, let me say I am blown away by how amazing you all are. The contestants in this contest have never even had a session with me (or for most, even met me), yet the top 2 had more votes than anyone did in the last contest full of my clients. It is unbelievable. To everyone who entered, thank you for being great participants. I know it’s a pain to have to solicit your friends, but you did an amazing job!

With that being said, welcome to all the new fans! Glad to have you on the page. If there is ever anything I can help you with, feel free to contact me. I know lots of you would like to learn things about photography and I’d be happy to help you if you have questions. If anyone would like to book a session, email me at andrea@andreapeardonphoto.com and I can give you all the information.

Now onto the contest. First let me give a big shout out to the two vendors who volunteered to enter their products into the prizes. Lulubelle offered up a headband or tie t-shirt/onesie to each of the winners. Colleen Kelly Creations picked a beautiful headband to give each winner. These women do beautiful work. Lulubelle also makes adorable clothes for little kids along with super cute headbands and Colleen Kelly Creations (whose owners are Riane and Amy) has to-die-for headbands and adorable hats. Visit their facebook pages and etsy pages!

Colleen Kelly Creations: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Colleen-Kelly-Creations/125162144215837


Lulubelle: http://www.facebook.com/mylulubelle



Ok now the winners!

In third place, winning a $25 credit toward a session or an order, as well as an item from both Lulubelle and Colleen Kelly Creations is….




Congratulations!! Rebecca, please contact me with all of your contact information!

Now first and second place were neck and neck the whole time!! It ended up being a matter of FIVE votes, the winner having 125 votes and second place with 120. Just a note, the last contest winner had 90. Because of all your hard work and it being so close, I have decided to up the credit for the second place winner from $50 to $75.

In second place, with 120 votes and will be winning a $75 credit and an item from the vendors is….




You may know her as the adorable babe with all the hair! Congratulations!! Amanda, get in touch with me so I can get you your prizes.

So you all know what that means! The first place winners, who will receive a $100 credit and an item from the ladies are…




Yay! Congratulations! You all worked SO hard! Danielle, contact me and I can set you up for all your prizes.

Thanks so much to everyone! Please contact me if you have any questions!!



November. November marks the one year anniversary of when I started photographing families. This year has been truly amazing.

Do you know the story of how this all came about? Many of you know that I started taking pictures last year for my little niece, Gracy. A couple of her friends asked if I would take pictures of their babies, and I reluctantly said yes. I was nervous about how the pictures would look and how the mamas would react. I had never taken any photography classes and only had an innocent love of good pictures, but I took on the jobs to get some practice. After a few of these little sessions, my sister’s friend Courtney really suggested I branch out. Take pictures of other families. Who knows, it could end up a “little business.”

Well, did that ever turn out to be an understatement.

November and December went by quickly, with some commuting back and forth from Ann Arbor, where I was a senior at U of M, to take pictures. When January hit, I was booking sessions into April. When April hit, I was booking into October. Through April, I would come home nearly every weekend for sessions, then go back to school and edit (and procrastinate doing homework, writing papers, studying…). It was not an easy feat, but it worked. I graduated in May (woo hoo!) and came back home to work on my growing “little business.”

Over the last year, I have worked with over 120 families, done just over 170 sessions, played with countless babies and children, lulled dozens of newborns back to beautifully deep sleep, given out hundreds of prizes from the special “prize box,” and was voted 2nd place in Channel 4’s Best of Detroit contest for best portrait photographer. I also have 3 assistants hired to work with me for newborn sessions and office work. (Big thank you, of course, to my twin nieces Shelby and Taylor, and my Aunt Sudie.)

What a difference a year makes.

This business, I affectionately call “my baby,” has changed my life in so many ways. I was kind of floating before, not knowing what to do with my life.  I have always loved kids, especially babies. This career allows me to fuse my love of kids, photography, working with families, and being independent. It does become stressful at times, mostly because the workload and pressure lays directly on my shoulders. But the benefits so greatly outweigh the tough parts.

I want to thank you all for sticking with me this year. For all of you who decided to give me a chance when I was just starting out and have ended up coming back every three months, thank you. I appreciate your loyalty. Even the people I’ve only met once have given me such great opportunity to practice and learn.

People keep asking me if this is it. Is this my career? Am I going to do this for life? I don’t really know how to answer that. At this point, I absolutely want to keep this up. I am doing what I love. I can only see potential in the future. I could never have imagined this in my wildest dreams, even just a year and a half ago. And here I am now.

All I keep thinking is, what will I be saying next year at this time?

For the Wagner’s session, I met up with the family at the grandparents’ beautiful home in Dexter. It sits on a ton of acres with trails, a pond, fields, and a million trees. Such an awesome location. We did many combinations of family groupings and some individual shots of little Drew who, at 6 months was a total doll when I photographed him, is still the most adorable guy. Such a fun session. Can’t wait to see the family again!

What an adorable family. The big sister was such a doll and she tried so hard to get her baby sister to take pictures with her. We had a pretty neat location in Clarkston where there were all these paths to walk through. We almost got lost, but it was worth it! So much fun!

I met little Gabby at George George Park for her one year pictures. She was total doll and gave me so many smiles. Mom said many people are waiting to see these pictures, so without further ado, Gabrielle.

Sweet baby Ava. She gave us so many smiles during her session. What was most adorable was how every time she’d go back to Mama’s arms, a smile would appear. She definitely loved her mama already. Thankfully, I was able to capture a few of those! Take a look.

I photographed Brooklyn at 6 months and she was so adorable then. I couldn’t believe she could get any more adorable! When she showed up for her 9 month pictures, Mom and Dad were a little worried because she had been quite the crabby pants all morning. I think she surprised us all when she put on a total smile show for us!

This is such an awesome family. Our neighbor at our cottage in Caseville asked if I would photograph her son’s family on the beach. These guys are amazing. In about 4 months, they adopted 3 little ones. The two youngest are just 3 months apart and totally adorable. Can you imagine that? Going from a couple to a family of 5 in just 4 months? Unbelievable. And they have done such a great job with the kids. They are so lovey – all of them were totally comfortable with me holding them and carrying them. Just adorable.

Beautiful Charlotte. Adorable, chubby little doll! It was wonderful meeting her and her parents. Would love to write more, but once again, work is calling quickly!